Monday, 24 March 2014

Bluee Diamondz| March favourites

Hey everyone! 
Today I want to talk about my March favourites, as it is almost the end of the month.  In this article I will be discussing my favourite shops, YouTube channels, music/songs, makeup and games of March. 

I'm going to be talking about my favourite threes shops of the month: This month I have been obsessed with boohoo clothes ever since Zoella did a video on the clothes she got from there. Their clothes are made from brilliant materials and they're  a decent price. They are great for spring and summer to be honest. 
-New Look. I haven't been too impressed with New Look so far this year, until this month! This month there was so many nice clothes, I just don't have enough money to buy everything that I wanted!
-Gilly Hicks. I honestly think that the clothes from Gilly Hicks and Holister are extremely over priced for what they are out, but now that Gilly Hicks are closing I have purchased a few bits from there! 

Next I'm going to be talking about my three favourite YouTube channels of the month. These would probably have to be: 
-Connor Franta. Where do I begin with Connor? He is just amazing to be honest, enough said. Please go and subscribe to him, he is just amazing!
-HBomb94. Ok, so HBomb94 is a minecraft YouTuber and he is just so funny and I've just been loving his channel this month. Go and subscribe to him! 
-Vasehh. Just like HBomb94, Vasehh is a minecraft YouTuber. Vas is one of those people who is just freaking hilarious without trying. If you want to know what I'm talking about I suggest checking his channel. 

Next I'm going to be talking about my favourite songs. So...
-Wild Heart, The Vamps. 
-I write sins, not tragedies, Panic at the disco. 
-Roar, Katy Perry

Next I'm going to be talking about my favourite makeup of the month: 
-Wake me up foundation from Rimmel London

Finally, I'm going to be talking about my favourite games. So..
-Minecraft Survival Games
-The Sims 3 
-The Walking Dead season 2 

So, that's it from me today! Message me on social media if you have something to ask/tell me. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Bluee Diamondz| Secondary/High school

Hey Guys! 
Today's topic is a bit random but it may be important to some of you. Dealing with going to secondary/high school can be hard on teenagers but everyone has to deal with it in their life. 

Going to secondary/high school can be a hard time for a lot of teens, going to secondary school means more homework and less free time for yourself. It's hard for everyone going to high school, but for some it can be some of the worst years of their lives. I know from experience that school can horrible, I mean there's so much stress on teenagers to do all their homework, deal with personal issues and then there's the stress of not fitting in and being bullied. It's hard to keep on top of everything! 

I personally feel that school isn't the worst thing a person can experience but its deffinatly not the best. There are a lot of ways school can be a good thing, you will meet some of the best people you will ever meet during your school years and you will make lots of memorable moments that you will remember for years to come during these years. I honestly find it difficult to balance my work and my play but to be honest, I think I do a pretty good job of it. I go to a grammar school and we get about four bits of homework a day, it's deffinatly hard  to keep on top of it all but I still manage to go out with my friends on the weekends and do after school activities on a daily basis. 

I think what I'm trying to say here is that although we all hate school there is a perfectly good reason for why we have to attend it. The reason we go to school is to learn all we need to know to get a good job in later life. It may not seem important now but in ten years time when you look back, you will realise that that's all that school was about. 

I hope you read this post with a pinch of salt. I'm not trying to say that school is a brilliant thing and I love it; I'm just trying to say that we really shouldn't hate school, it's trying to do good for us, you don't want to have no money when your older. 

I have an exciting post coming soon by the way!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Bluee Diamondz| Bucket List

Hey Guys!

So today is a bit of a random one! Basically today I'm going to be talking to you about making a bucket list! I personally love making bucket lists and I think that it is a really good way to have fun, either by yourself or a group of people. Today me and one of my friends decided that it would be a good idea for us to do a spring/summer bucket list and here are a few of the things on the list...

  1. Say yes to everything (to a certain extent) for a whole day
  2. Say at least five pick up lines to random people on the bus/at the mall/at the park
  3. Play football with a random group of boys over the park
  4. Chew gum all day
  5. Complete all of our class work for the day
  6. Hop on a bus and see where it goes
  7. Just act really casual all day
Some of my personal favorites from this list are numbers 2, 4, 6 & 7. I don't really know why I like these, I guess it's just because they are really random! I really hope that this post has inspired even one of you to make your own bucket list!

If you guys have any suggestions for things I could add to my list be sure to comment them down below or message me on any social media that I have! I will be getting Facebook and Tumblr soon so make sure to keep an eye out for those. Also please subscribe to me on YouTube, I know I haven't posted any videos yet but I have recorded and edited some so they will be uploaded soon I just need to get my WiFi sorted so they don't take forever to render!  

Find me on social media:
Instagram: @bluee_diamondz456

I will post tomorrow! 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Bluee Diamondz | Preventing spots

Hey guys!

Now, being young means a lot of things;  new experiences, fun with friends and most importantly SPOTS.

I know we all hate spots. They just appear on your face, making you feel ugly and paranoid that someone is going to see it, some are so bad that they can't even be covered up by make-up. So is there a way we can prevent getting spots?

I'm one of those people that never get spots, I'm not even joking! I think over the course of about a year I've only had about two spots! Despite the rumors of  'If you eat healthy and do lots of exercise it will be unlikely for you to get spots' this has been proven untrue in my case. Even though I rarely get spots I hate it when I do. It makes me feel rubbish about myself on the inside and they make me feel ugly on the outside.

There are several ways to prevent you from getting spots. Some of them are:

  • Rinsing your face with warm water (When you do this you should not used a flannel or sponge because they contain bacteria and will make your face dirty). Do this daily
  • Use a scrub, such as tea tree foam or a face scrub (Apply to your hand and then onto your face using a circular motion) Do this every other day
  • Take a face pad and add a cleanser and apply to your face (Using a circular motion). Do this daily
  • If you already have a spot take an ear bud and quickly wet in hot water then dab in Vaseline and apply to spot and leave the Vaseline there till it is gone. Do this as soon as the spot appears and continue if spot does not disappear.
  • If a spot appears take an ear bud and apply toothpaste to the affected area. Do this as soon as the spot appears, continue until spot goes.
  • Use a self heating face mask once a month.
These are just some ways to help prevent spots. I hope this post helped you and make sure to leave a comment if you have any other ways to prevent spots. 

Find me on social media:
Instagram: @bluee_diamondz456

See you next time! 
-Bluee Diamondz

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Bluee Diamondz| A little update! :3

Hey Everyone!
                      Yeah, I know it's been a while since I posted last but I have a reason!

Basically, if you didn't know I have a YouTube channel but I haven't posted any videos yet. I'm excited to tell you that within the next few months I will have posted at least five videos! :) I'm really excited and I can't wait for you to go and watch them! I haven't posted any videos yet because I am currently in the process of purchasing a new desktop computer because when I do the gaming videos wont be laggy and I will be able to store more data on the new computer than I can right now (as I'm only using my laptop at the moment!).

Did you know that I've got twitter? Well if you haven't already, follow me on twitter. If you have any ideas on what I could talk about in my next blog posts feel free to tweet me or e-mail me! I love hearing from y'all by the way!

Find me on social media:
Instagram: @bluee_diamondz456

Love you all x
Talk soon my diamondz...
-Bluee Diamondz