Now, being young means a lot of things; new experiences, fun with friends and most importantly SPOTS.
I know we all hate spots. They just appear on your face, making you feel ugly and paranoid that someone is going to see it, some are so bad that they can't even be covered up by make-up. So is there a way we can prevent getting spots?
I'm one of those people that never get spots, I'm not even joking! I think over the course of about a year I've only had about two spots! Despite the rumors of 'If you eat healthy and do lots of exercise it will be unlikely for you to get spots' this has been proven untrue in my case. Even though I rarely get spots I hate it when I do. It makes me feel rubbish about myself on the inside and they make me feel ugly on the outside.
There are several ways to prevent you from getting spots. Some of them are:
- Rinsing your face with warm water (When you do this you should not used a flannel or sponge because they contain bacteria and will make your face dirty). Do this daily
- Use a scrub, such as tea tree foam or a face scrub (Apply to your hand and then onto your face using a circular motion) Do this every other day
- Take a face pad and add a cleanser and apply to your face (Using a circular motion). Do this daily
- If you already have a spot take an ear bud and quickly wet in hot water then dab in Vaseline and apply to spot and leave the Vaseline there till it is gone. Do this as soon as the spot appears and continue if spot does not disappear.
- If a spot appears take an ear bud and apply toothpaste to the affected area. Do this as soon as the spot appears, continue until spot goes.
- Use a self heating face mask once a month.
These are just some ways to help prevent spots. I hope this post helped you and make sure to leave a comment if you have any other ways to prevent spots.
Find me on social media:
Instagram: @bluee_diamondz456
Instagram: @bluee_diamondz456
See you next time!
-Bluee Diamondz
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